All Stories


How do we know the sun will come back?

1 minute read

A little boy and his grandmother sat outside their house in front of the lake to watch the sunset, one evening. The sky was bright with a pink and orange and...

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A Northern Winter Seal

5 minute read

Very close to the north pole, in the middle of February one night, a mother harp seal gave birth to a little white pup. This was a dark time of the year, for...


11 minute read

It was the middle of February, and spring was already beginning to come to the lake. Some of the birds who lived there had stayed through the long, cold wint...

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To Catch a Train

6 minute read

A man was sitting in a taxi in the middle of a very busy street at 8:42 on a Monday morning. He was on his way to Paris, and the train was set to leave at 9....

A Late Frost

5 minute read

Tucked away between the many peaks of the Great Mountains, there was a beautiful little valley. In summertime, this valley was certainly one of the most beau...

The Edge of the Sea

12 minute read

Once upon a time, there was a man who lived on the edge of the sea. His name was Collin. Collin was growing old. He had lived in this little cottage for all ...

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5 minute read

Once upon a time, there was a ship that sailed out to sea. Her name was the Hope. This ship had once been a good one, but she was old, and she didn’t have ma...

The Journey (A Poem)

3 minute read

I. I am surrounded by light, trees, water The world is bright The sun sparkles on the dew Birds fly through an ocean of sky Trees sing wild songs ...

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Keep Good Time

14 minute read

On the night when Jeffrey was born, his parents heard a knock on the door of their house. They looked outside the door, but there was no one there—not even a...

The Pilot

11 minute read

First thing in the morning, Kieran made a cup of coffee in his hotel room. He had slept well that night, which was good, for he had scheduled a long flight f...

Waiting at Sunrise

6 minute read

Mikko awoke to see the sun just beginning to shine through the window of his cabin. “Oh, no!” he thought. “What if I’m late?” Immediately, he jumped out fr...

The Clockmaker

5 minute read

Niels was a clockmaker. He was a very fine craftsman. There was no doubt that his work excelled that of all others in his trade. He made clocks that ran well...

The Baker

10 minute read

Miria was the first street seller to step foot in the palace since it had been built thousands of years before. And she didn’t even want to go there. Miria ...

The Path Home

7 minute read

I set off on my journey with high spirits. It was the first day after I had completed my training, and I was ready to return home and start a new life. I pic...

An Unwelcome Gift

2 minute read

Rosalynn sat on her chair by the side of the city gate, where she always sat. She was unable to walk, and she needed to beg for gifts to help feed her family...

A Bright Green Leaf

4 minute read

Far away, on one of the great farms in the North, a maple tree stood on the top of a small hill. Now, this was a very fine tree. Its branches reached out lik...

A Brave Mouse

15 minute read

Once upon a time, deep in the forest, there lived a little mouse. He lived in the base of a hollow walnut tree with his parents and fifteen siblings. His nam...

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On the Run

4 minute read

“If I can get past one more…just one more,” Ezkion whispered to himself. “One more guard, and I’ll be free.” He stood pinned against the passage wall, hidden...

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